It's impossible to do a show about the biggest tours in the world without talking to the people who design them, who bring the entire experience to life. Leroy Bennet is the production and lighting designer for most of the biggest names in music. Spending 15yrs with PRINCE, he also become a close friend. Nothing is off limits in this interview — Roy gets candid about the early days and the bootcamp production atmosphere, the backstory behind designing some of the most edgy live performances, the Purple Rain phenomenon, Prince’s untimely but eerily predicted death and downtime at Paisley Park with the “off stage” Prince. We wrap with some amazing stories about the Rammstein and how they pull off the massive pyro shows, we get a peak into the world of Lady Gaga and talk about some of Roy’s most cringeworthy production moments and how to get through them.
To learn more about Leroy and to check out all the amazing shows he’s designed for the biggest names in music, go to his website: http://www.leroybennett.com